1 Million+
Patients Treated by 2035. Our Mission.
MediChip™ offers a revolutionary approach to localized cancer treatment.
Imagine a tiny, bio-compatible patch – like a band-aid for the inside of your body – that delivers medication directly to the tumor site.

Backed by Leading Institutions


The Harsh Reality of Systemic Chemotherapy

Traditional chemo fights cancer aggressively, but at a cost to your well-being. Powerful drugs flood your whole body to target cancer cells anywhere, often leading to harsh side effects that diminish your quality of life.

Unwanted Side Effects

Chemo's fight against cancer harms healthy tissues too. Patients suffer nausea, fatigue, hair loss, infections - a heavy toll on well-being.

Life-Altering Regiment

Brutal chemo schedule: 2 long sessions (5-6 hours) per week for 6-8 weeks disrupts life and takes a physical & emotional toll.

Limited Options for Doctors

Uneven cancer growth can make surgery a risky proposition. This limits the tools doctors have available to fight your specific cancer.

Live better, heal stronger.

Introducing MediChip™

MediChip™ is a local treatment option that can be directly attached to any tissue. It’s a tiny patch delivering targeted drugs directly to tumors. Works with any drug combo (up to 5) to shrink tumors, ease symptoms, aid surgery, & empower patients to live better.

Reduced Treatment Disruption

By delivering medication directly to the tumor, MediChip™ minimizes side effects often associated with systemic chemo.

Improved Quality of Life

With fewer side effects, you can experience a significant improvement in your overall well-being during treatment.

More Options for Doctors

MediChip™ can shrink tumors, potentially making surgery a viable option for more patients.


Market Opportunity

This versatile technology has the potential to treat a wide range of lower gastrointestinal and solid tumors worldwide, including in Europe and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.

Spent on Cancer Care in America in 2020. 

Expected to be spent on Cancer Care in America by 2030
Cost of Colorectal Cancer Care in America in 2020

Building Trust and Innovation

Our commitment to innovation is underscored by both cutting-edge technology and strategic partnerships.

Global patents issued for the platform including USA, UK, Europe (EU), Australia, Hong Kong, China, Syria, South Africa and Worldwide with an expiration in 2039.

Meet Khatija Ali: CEO of BioSapien, innovating patient care, winning awards, mentoring, and giving back globally.
Secured $3M Funding to-date, including seed round from SOSV and Hikma Ventures; won $256,000 from NSF secured a $500K bridge from angels in UAE.
Top cancer & surgery specialists at renowned US (MSK, MD Anderson) & int’l (Shaikh Shakhbout/Mayo, Cleveland Clinic) institutions endorse this with backing from global experts.

News Room

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Meet Khatija Ali: CEO of BioSapien, innovating patient care, winning awards, mentoring, and giving back globally.
09 May 2024
Hikma Ventures joins seed round for BioSapien Inc., advancing biotech therapies.
09 May 2024

BioSapien secures $1.8M for MediChip™. Learn more.

09 May 2024

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